What To Look For In An Online Poker Room

Poker Room
December 20, 2016
play poker with friends

Online Poker Rooms are rapidly gaining all the high tech flavors to create a sense of reality. Our site allows you to scroll through the top online poker rooms to get the idea what its features are. We, at Poker Room St, are ready to do what it takes to cater the very best of what we’ve got to make sure your next poker room game will be unforgettable!

Online Poker Room Features You Should Look For

3D Avatars: Superior animation and design provides exceptionally human-like avatars which move, show facial expressions, speak certain words, and even appear to be checking cards when a player does so from his computer.

Personal Imaging: An option which allows for players to pick a picture on their own, whether by scanning an image onto their computer or choosing one from the internet. They may then use the picture as their representation during the game.

Floating Chat Options: Chat messages appear next to each player at the table throughout the game.

Hints from pokerroom.st: Prompts with pieces of advice pop up to help the player use the poker room’s devices and make the correct decisions throughout the game.

Easy Switch from Play Money to Real Money: This is done instantly with a very simple and efficient conversion program.

Cashing Out: Easy option to remove winnings from the poker room at any time.

Player Lists: A list of all the poker room users to let the player know precisely who is online.

Ping Time: A visible feature which displays the amount of time it takes for a message to go from a player’s computer and back. This assists in making a proper analysis of a player who may be taking a long time to make his bet, but only due to the slowness of his connection.

4 Color Decks: Assigns each suit a different color to help players identify them more easily.

Realistic Audio Sounds: Betting around the table varies in sound according to the location of the player placing the bet. The greater the distance, the softer the sound, whereas players situated closest to you will generate louder sounds.

Chat Logs: Lets you keep track of all your conversations with the different players.

Play Logs: A tool which lets you monitor your playing and your hand history by taking notes as you play as well as monitoring other players and keeping tabs on them (includes gathering player statistics).

Multi-Table Viewing Option: Facilitates the playing of multiple games at once.

Visible Chips: Allows players to see each other’s chips in addition to the amount in the pot.

Find Player Option: A search tool to find if a specific player is in one of the poker rooms.

Ranking: A feature which ranks all real-money players according to winnings.

Author Poker Room